One World – One Vision:
The Mietshäuser Syndikat has been receiving more and more inquiries from groups abroad wanting to establish similar projects. Admittedly, our model cannot simply be applied one to one to other countries and their legal systems. However, a group, regardless of country, that wants to start a network similar to that of the Syndikat, faces the same challenge as that faced by a small group in Freiburg in the early 1990s: How to contrive, within an economic system centered on maximized profit. a model that functions for our ideas of a good life for all, a model with a balanced cost-benefit ratio? While this is still being worked in some places, successful networks have already been established in France, Austria, and the Netherlands. They attempt in their own way to remove houses from the real-estate market for good and to offer groups a self-determined and socially acceptable way of living.
International inquiries:
- Le CLIP | Umbrella organization in France | Project La Porcheritz (Paris)
- VrijCoop | Umbrella organization in the Netherlands
- Ecodorp Boekel | Project in Boekel
- Woningbouwvereniging Soweto | Project in Amsterdam
- Verein zur Förderung selbstverwalteter & solidarischer Lebens- und Wohnformen habiTAT | Umbrella organization Austria
- Willy*Fred | Project in Linz